Wednesday, March 18, 2009

A Wordless Wednesday- (Easter Anticipation)


  1. Was my husband visiting you? As soon as the next holidays candy hits the shelves, he wants to buy it and eat it right away! He would have bitten the butt first, though.

    On another note...a work in it a tea bag holder?

  2. Just stopped by to see your wallet-in-progress(which I love!) and saw this photo...oh, it's completely hilarious!! Too funny!!

  3. Curly Fry,

    I posted that picture so that some members of my homeschool team could see what I was talking about. They have been giving me some great tips on the developement of a cash management system. The picture is the prototype that I have came up with so far.

  4. oh, so it has slots to hold cards and cash and things? I may need to get one!

  5. Yep, it's going to have a zippered pouch on the side to hold coins and a section to hold debit cards and such too. I'm just searching for some last needed supplies so I can get busy!
