Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The South Carolina Etsy Street Team is Having A Contest

I'm a member of the South Carolina Etsy Street Team. (And yes, I know that some of you know that already. I'm just letting the others know. Not the "others" from Lost however. Can you tell I feel kind of silly today?) They are having a creative challenge contest to try and get team members back into the swing of things in this new year. The theme is, "LOVE". Ooooh, so many things a person could make with that theme. Up until about a week ago, I had no idea as to what I could make with the theme love. I didn't want to sew up a love themed grocery bag as I felt that would be too easy. I was just going to pass on this contest. "No big deal" I said to myself.

But things soon changed. Thanks to my hubby's wonderful aunt, Faye, I was hit over the head with inspiration. (Ok, technically, the shed door and a strong wind bumped me from the backside - you get the picture) Believe it or not, because of a random gift that Faye gave me, I immediately came up with my idea that eventually turned into Kelly Faye, that you see in the picture above. I had wanted to make a doll for a long time. As a matter of fact, I have one of those old (from the 80's- 1980's not 1880's -hee hee) adoption type doll kits that I found in a thrift store. Unfortunately, it is still up in my closet- untouched. I get the box out from time to time but that is as far as it goes.

Back to the original story.... Faye was cleaning out some of her mother's old things from the shed outside and asked if I seen anything that I wanted. My eyes zoomed in on a bag of yarn, very lovingly rolled into neat balls. She seen it at the same time and asked if I did crochet. I don't (that is on my list to learn) but their was just something about a bag of yarn that caught my attention. "Here take it", she said. When I got home that day, I dumped the yarn out and neatly folded in the bottom of the bag was a huge piece of muslin type material. "Ha Ha", I said out loud. The makings for a doll lay before me. "I think I'll try to make a doll for the creative challenge" I thought.

So, there you go. I started making a doll with no thought to the fact that I had no idea on how to make the eyes. (What I felt was one of the most important parts by the way). I finished the doll within a few days and my little one told me that the doll needed a name. Hence comes the story behind the name:

Some of you with small children may know who Handy Manny is. If not, go here for your quick education. Handy Manny has a friend that runs a hardware store. That friend of Handy Manny and the Tools, is named Kelly. The song about Kelly's hardware store has stuck into all of our heads around here- especially my little one's head so now, you know the origin of the dolls first name.

Now comes the middle name. My mother in law said that I should name the doll after Faye (Remember her? She gave me the makings of Kelly- (Not my mother in law- she is the one that hits my father in law over the head with her purse in Walmart) stay with me here.....) Now, this doll, which by the way, represents the love a child will give her- (not to mention the love themed clothes that I sewed for her)- has her new name: Kelly Faye.

So there you have it. My entry for the contest. Go to the South Carolina Blog to read up on the contest. I'll be asking all of you to vote for your favorite next month so stay tuned......

By the way, Kelly Faye is for sale in my etsy shop if anyone is interested. Come give her a look-see.


  1. I was going to tell you how cute Kelly Faye is and how well her eyes came out and all of that but then I saw that horrible comment about the 80's being old so now I'm not talking to you! :P

  2. Ha Ha

    I was feeling old when I typed that because today is my birthday. I felt old when I thought of growing up in the 80's. I'm over it now.... I promise to not make fun of the 80's again! :)

  3. Hmph!

    Well, Happy Birthday!
    Why didn't you tell anyone?
