Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Real Meaning Of Easter- (Not just an egg hunting day)


Usually holidays slip up on me when it comes to blogging about them. This time, Easter didn't. I wanted to share with you the real meaning of Easter in case you didn't know it or maybe you forgot.

In a typical kid's eyes, Easter brings about thoughts of Easter bunnies, ducks, eggs, a delicious baked ham, and candy- lots of candy. These things are great (especially the chocolate bunnies) but we tend to forget why we celebrate Easter in the first place.

Being a Christian holiday from the beginning, Easter is the day that Jesus Christ rose from the dead after being hung on a cross to die for our sins. I believe that most importantly, Easter reminds us of the sacrifice that Jesus gave; so that we might have eternal life.

I'm not a theologian, and will not give the entire story the justice it deserves, so you can read the story in the Bible for yourself. Head on over to the Book of Mathew chapter 27 and you can educate yourself fairly quickly.

As for today, I plan to spend the day with my family. We are going to hunt Easter eggs, eat ham, and hopefully, I can grab a spare chocolate bunny or two (or three or four....). Most importantly, I am going to remind them all of why we celebrate Easter and what it should mean to them.

1 comment:

  1. Refreshing to see others who celebrate the true meaning of Easter!
