I've been saving all plant based scraps from my house in a 5 gallon bucket. Whenever I get over to Uncle Bubba's farm, I dig around in the compost pile and finish up by digging a deep hole, and burying my compost inside. Each time I return, I do the same. So far, the fire ant colony has moved on. That is a really good sign that the pile has been heating up and "working". After all, I guess fire ants have temperature restrictions too just like the rest of us.
The pile above is starting to look a little different, I think. Notice all of the briars and such all around the pile. After I took this picture, I sling bladed those little boogers and mixed them in with the pile too.
I love it when a plan comes together (who said that phrase anyway?). My dreams of rich, healthy compost for next year are slowly becoming a reality.
We just started our pile. Taking pictures of the progress is a great idea.