A lot of gardening talk going on lately huh?
I'll eventually get crafty so hang in there, OK?

Here they are in all of their splendor. I actually manged to "not" kill them (I didn't use chicken manure on them- thank goodness!) and they got put into the ground. Yeah, the cucumbers and squash are in their permanent home!
Not much to see yet but after all of the wonderful rain that we have gotten since the day these rows were planted, I would expect to see some "green" peeking out of those rows soon.We planted bush green beans, pinto beans, peanuts, green peas, corn, carrots, lettuce, and cabbage. My brother managed to get some different types of melons in the ground that day as well.
I've got the gardening "itch" and I'm fighting myself from purchasing more seeds. I guess we'll just have to see if I can refrain from buying more........
I'm not sure how long my tomatoes are going to last... I think we planted them in too small of pots. Maybe I'll post a pic too...