The other day, one of my kiddos needed some dental work done. What does this picture have to do with that? Well, this is a photo of this nice vase that was in the bathroom. Why did I take a picture of a vase in the bathroom? Don't ask me, I figured I'd come up with some reason for it eventually.
That reason is this: This is usually the first sight that a parent gets when going into our dentist's office. They get an immediate "tour" of the facilities. It's just a fact of nature. Kids are drawn to the bathroom, no matter where they go.

Probably a lot of dentist's offices around the country try to make the experience a pleasant one. Some probably, like ours, paints cute murals all over the walls of the waiting room, cleaning rooms, and exam rooms. Our dentist has a jungle theme going on as you can see here.

They even came up with the idea that if you let kids play video games before they are called back, they might be more relaxed and not panic as much when the dentist comes at them with drill in hand. This photo only shows one video game, there are many more. As a matter of fact, in the second waiting room, there is an actual game cube set up. Oh yeah, if video games aren't your thing, you can watch a movie in all three areas if you want.

And if video games and movies aren't enough to make you look forward to a dentist's appointment, there is this thing. Can you believe it? They installed a play center "over head" of all the chairs in the waiting room. Yes, for real.
I knew something was up when they called the day before and told me to make sure the kids wore socks. I guess any parent would raise an eyebrow when they were told that their kid needs to wear socks to have their teeth worked on. Get this, if you forgot your socks, they give you a pair to borrow- go figure. Luckily all my kiddos had socks on and didn't have to borrow any. When the kids leave, guess what they get along with bags of prizes? Frozen yogurt. Yeah, seriously. (
Perhaps it's insurance that you will be coming back to see the dentist- thank you sugary treat?)
Now, do you get the same impression that I did. I thought, "Wow, somebody got it right. Kids will actually "beg" to go to the dentist from now on!"

This guy was just begging to have his picture taken. Did you notice it too? He lives at a dentist's office....and......he has perfect teeth.
Wow, what a great dentist office! Would have been nice if my dentist had an office like that when I was a kid.