Go to Friday Fill Ins to "Fill In" your own!
1. Sitting outside in the quiet shade during a slight breeze, is my favorite summertime past time.
2. My favorite John Hughes movie is Flubber (I know, I know, he didn't produce it, he just wrote it) I'll be honest here, I had no idea who in the world John Hughes was until I had to look it up to answer this question!
3. Minky fur fabric is something I love to touch.
4. The full moon makes me nervous because I know that people tend to get "goofy" during the full moon.
5. While answering these questions, I'm waiting on my husband to get home, it's really late, and I'm super sleepy right now.
6. When daylight fades my mind starts to focus on getting some sleep!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to figuring out what to do with more figs than I have room (and canning jars) for, tomorrow my plans include going to my cousin's wedding and Sunday, I want to finish sewing some trick or treat bags that I have been working on for days and days!
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